README file for PLBM Games PalmOS Scud Attack! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Updated: February 13, 2001 Version: v1.1 (Build #1292) NOTE: ~~~~~ COLOR: use ScudAttC.PRC Mono: use ScudAtt.PRC Check for updates. You can purchase this game at for only $9.95!! See ORDERP.TXT for more ordering information! Contents Of This ZipFile: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ README.TXT - this file SCUDATT.PRC - the Scud Attack! application file SCUDATTC.PRC - the Scud Attack! application file (Color Version) ORDERP.TXT - order text file - print/mail to use (slower than web ordering) FILE_ID.DIZ - .DIZ file Keys: ~~~~~ Tap your stylus GENTLY on the main screen area to launch Anti-Ballistic Missiles (ABMs) at the incoming Scuds. Use Left/Right keys to select side missile bases. Center base is the default until it runs out of missiles. Additional Keys During Play: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G - game over - quit this game right now R - reset entire game state (uppercase only) Gameplay Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your goal is to destroy all incoming missiles to save your cities and your ABM bases from nuclear annihilation. Scoring: ~~~~~~~~ Incoming missile (regular) 15 points Unused ABMs at end of each wave 5 points Cities Still Standing at each wave 50 points All points are multiplied by the current wave multiplier. Credits: ~~~~~~~~ Palm Scud Attack! was created by Kurt W. Dekker exclusively for PLBM Games, at Palm Scud Attack! is Copyright (c) 2001 PLBM Games and Kurt W. Dekker. Acknowledgements and Thanks: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey, all you peeps... thanks eh! Chris Jones for the ongoing engineering talk, all the great folks who play and play-test PLBM Games and PLBM PalmOS Games... All you folks! Ordering: ~~~~~~~~~ You may purchase Palm Scud Attack! directly from our website at: You may email comments to and be sure to indicate which game you are referring to (Palm Scud Attack! in this case). Thank you! Kurt Dekker PLBM Games ... Cheat keys: x - give me an extra city! W - end this wave, give me normal bonuses